Rezi’s award-winning AI-powered resume builder is trusted by hundreds of thousands of job seekers
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What is Rezi?
Rezi is an AI-based resume builder platform used by over 2 million job seekers, offering a 100% money-back guarantee. It uses AI to automate the process of creating a resume by writing, editing, formatting, and optimizing it for job applications. The platform offers features like AI Keyword Targeting to tailor resumes with job-specific keywords, a document version management system, expert resume reviews, and a sample library with over 350 resume templates. Rezi also provides real-time content analysis, a Rezi Score to evaluate resume quality, and ATS keyword targeting to boost interview chances. Users can design and customize resumes with various features like color pickers, font selectors, and line height adjustments. Rezi has received positive feedback from users who have experienced increased interview rates and job opportunities using the platform. Its user-friendly design, expert features, and constant updates make it a valuable tool for job seekers looking to enhance their resume-building process.
How To Use Rezi
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